
The following activities take place on a regular basis in the park with their normal day and time shown.  These are open to all residents and advance sign up is not required.  Always check the current Spotlight for precise dates, times and locations.
Pinochle (Monday 6:30pm)
Cornhole (Monday 1pm)
Chair Volleyball (Monday 7pm and Thursday 2:30pm)
Men’s Bible Study (Tuesday 7:30am)
Chorus (Tuesday 9am)
Line Dancing (Tuesday 10am)
Darts (Tuesday 7pm)
Bingo (Tuesday 7pm)
45s (Wednesday, 6pm)
Art Guild (Wednesday 1pm)
Euchre and Poker (Wednesday 6pm)
Horseshoes (Thursday 9:30am)
Chinese Fan Dancing (Thursday 10am)
Bible Study (Thursday 1pm)
Scrabble (Thursday 6:30pm)
Bridge (Thursday 7pm)
Color Pin Bowling (Friday 9:30am @ Liberty Lanes)
Shuffleboard – Hoss Collar (Friday 10am)
Saturday Morning Coffee (Saturday 8am)
Fitness Walking (Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7:55am)
Pool Aerobics (Weekdays at 7:40am and 8:25am)

Visit Us:

18675 Highway 19 North
Clearwater, Florida 33764

Contact Us

Business Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 9am - 3pm

For more information:
call 727-531-4906

Fax 727-535-0925